Last year I -like a lot of people- have been awakened to understand that our earth, the very spaceship we leave in, is in a very bad shape.
We decided to cut down on our plastic bags and our plastic cups and utensils, buy less things wrapped with plastic (as much as possible) etc..
After doing so we needed to make some simple swaps, which are totally a story for another post..
We do have a recycling trash cans in our neighborhood – so this part is also covered, and I wanted to upscale our recycling at home, to add a value of seeing how we can recycle our left overs.
But, first thing first, I wanted to set up a compost barrel.
We found a blue barrel at my father in law back yard.
Turns out it’s very easy to make the barrel ready for compost:
Make a bunch of holes in it, cut the top up and you are done.
When you read it in a blog you have a lot of questions: how many holes, how to cut and where to put it. That’s why I had this blog post set up:
Let’s get to work:
Make a lot of holes, it need to be very refreshed and not moist inside,

Cut the lead all the way through, I tried to do it half way through it didn’t work so well, it was hard to put garbage in.
Make sure you have a big rock to put on top so you can close it tight and animals will not get in.

Place it in a sunny place on the ground (to let the worms in to make the compost), and don’t forget to water it.
First thing you want to put in is some branches and twigs to make sure your compost gets enough air, and doesn’t stay moist. It should not get dry as well so… watering.

You are ready to go. There are a lot of concepts of how to build your compost pile, what I do is put browns (dried leaves, eggs carton, papers) and then add greens (which is also including our kitchen waste, grass shed, fallen green leaves, flowers ), and then browns again. But it is a curvy learning process, and I already through out one compost because it was bad.. will let you know more when I figure this better, for now this is what I have learned and I will keep you guys posted to see the progress of it.
As always – you don’t have to DIY everything:
If you are from Israel check out this website, these are the best composters which comes with a good service and a smile:
Rest of the world: you can buy your composter online:
As we try to reduce our consumption – using our garbage instead of throwing it away is helping earth for the long term.
Thank you for reading and please leave your comments, and let me know how you do your compost?